What business clients can expect working with us

Whether the more pressing current challenge is a slump in productivity, high staff turnover or poor employee satisfaction in the latest staff survey, Clarity& can help your company identify and address the root cause of the problem to develop and strengthen your most valuable asset – your people.

Our training and discovery programs are tailored to address your most urgent business needs by working to upskill key members of your team to influence a positive team mindset shift or trigger a beneficial culture change. We work with you and your teams to ensure there is a genuine understanding of the concerns currently impacting your business. From both the management teams’ and employees’ perspectives, to enable us to target keys areas such as “overwhelm”, stress resilience, conflict resolution and creative problem solving.

In addition to your own staff and company performance metrics, we take baseline assessments of life satisfaction, general health and dietary intake for each course participant. This ensures staff are able to visualise their own personal gains across the program. We meet staff weekly in protected time, which is ring-fenced for this training, over the course of 12 weeks. This is the duration that research has demonstrated is necessary to make long-lasting, healthy behaviour change habits.

Staff attend practical 3-hour weekly sessions to learn new self-care skills, and be educated on how the human brain works, and how we can harness its untapped potential for far greater creativity and productivity at work. We share tips or ‘biohacks’ to tackle unhelpful patterned thinking and automated behaviours to unlock greater problem-solving capacity, and ultimately free up more quality work time.

Although supposedly easy in theory, some practices such as mindfulness or dietary change take some time to become established and weaved into our daily routine. Therefore, sharing the experience of the course and home practice alongside others in the program group creates a sense of community, and helps our clients to further realise that other people may well be struggling with similar challenges too. After all, it’s all part of the human condition.

Benefits beyond the workplace

Clarity& offer excellent value to both the employer and the employee because, in learning these new skills to take better care of their mind:body health and wellbeing, staff will be significantly upgrading their quality of daily life, and improving their personal and professional relationships. Furthermore, learning and implementing these important skills now has significant benefits well beyond the workplace. For example, research shows that implementing the Clarity& approach can prevent future cognitive decline whether that’s simple forgetfulness or absentmindedness to full blown Alzheimer’s. Dementia does not need to be an inevitable part of the ageing process!

It’s never too late to start taking better care of your teams’ physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing, so don’t delay, and please get in touch using our contact form to discover how Clarity& can help transform your business through your people.


Our beautiful brains


Working 1-to-1 with Clarity& – what to expect