About Andy

Andy Dobson

You guessed it, I learned all about mental health the hard way, and finally hit rock bottom. I recovered because I was lucky enough to have all of the right support available to me, and I actually – eventually – used it. I now realise that it just doesn’t have to be that way, and by understanding yourself and your body just a little bit better, you can transform your life so very positively in so many ways, it’s genuinely hard to imagine. There are lots of things you can do, many of them easily, cheaply and quickly, which will have an immediate positive impact on your daily life.

I’ve worked in high-pressured executive roles for large corporations, run my own business, and travelled the world as part of my career to date. I’m hugely grateful for all of it, but the level of stress this exerted on me (and that I exerted on myself in turn) was extremely high for many years, with no let-up. Arguably as I got older and more senior, the demands on my mind and body only grew. No matter who you are, you’re human, and a situation like that situation is simply unsustainable unless you learn how to better manage day-to-day life and work, and build genuine and lasting resilience. The brain and mind don’t come with an instruction manual, and we’re far worse at operating them than most of us generally realise!

That’s why the mantra “make time for your wellness, or you’ll be forced to make time for your illness” is one I now live by, and encourage others to really ‘get’. It’s just a fact; if you don’t look after yourself you’ll be unwell, and the majority of all illness starts in the gut and mind…

I offer a huge amount of real-life lived experience relating to the challenges of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, and am highly motivated to help businesses and individuals who might be experiencing similar challenges.

At Clarity& we truly believe that prevention is better than cure, and that by proactively implementing some simple but effective & lasting changes early enough, a “stitch in time will truly save 9!”


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