Our services

Be kind to your mind

Clarity& offer a wealth of clinical NHS and corporate leadership experience, a unique skill set and a holistic, tailored approach to your wellbeing needs. It is in this spirit that we encourage you to get in touch for an obligation-free conversation to discuss how we best meet your business and/or personal goals - be that stress reduction, building emotional resilience or better managing your anxiety.

Who do Clarity& support?

Anyone with a brain! Particularly if that brain has become fixated on future problems and past regrets or has become trapped in a phase of emotional turbulence, depression or anxiety. Unsure if the overwhelm you are currently feeling is more than just a sign you need a holiday? Try this quick and easy quiz depression and anxiety self-assessment quiz - NHS (www.nhs.uk).

Mindfulness practice, dietary and lifestyle adjustments, nutritional supplements and self-monitoring all play a HUGE role in reducing systemic (widespread) inflammation in the body, triggered by too much circulating Cortisol (a stress hormone); or through exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides or in response to compromised gut barrier function, known as ‘leaky gut’.

Inflammation has been implicated in chronic health conditions such as insomnia, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome. In supporting both the mind and the body our truly holistic approach gives you an array of practical tools in your toolbox, ready to tackle any physical, mental or emotional challenge that may arise in response to your health condition leading to sustained healing.

Business services


We help businesses to better understand current challenges in your business and their impact upon your team. We help you invest in your staff’s personal development, improve their job satisfaction and support their emotional wellbeing.

Individual support


Mental ill health rarely presents as a standalone issue. Those suffering common medical conditions often also suffer with poor mental health and are commonly prescribed anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications. This need not be the case.

Group classes


Mindfulness although simple is not easy. Sharing experiences on a group learning journey helps you to learn from others and recognise we all have moments of self-doubt when learning a new skill.

“After practice I feel incredibly relaxed. I feel cleansed, bright and full of energy. It’s so simple – but it really works.”